The Ceres Community Association has available for hire the Ceres Temperance Hall, trestle tables and chairs for your event. Please note the hall retains its original temperance covenant which prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the building.
The hall is a large and light open space with timber floor and ceiling and white walls. It has a sandstone exterior and internally it has a stage, two dressing rooms, and a storeroom.
It is equipped with modern conveniences, including a full kitchen and toilet facilities with disabled access.
Externally, there is a grassed area with pastoral views and a car park providing 2 disabled parking spaces and 29 regular spaces.
Available with the hall are 100 timber chairs, six trestle tables, four cedar benches, two umbrellas and bases and a range of children’s outdoor games.
The main interior of the hall measures 7.5m by 11.5m, while the stage measures 7.5m by 3.5m.
Please note that the Ceres Hall is currently undergoing maintenance to address the rising damp issue. The hall can still be booked but for the next few months will not be looking as attractive internally as it normally would. Please refer to the photographs at the bottom of this page.